Product information | Product name: SanEarth M5C Item code: 11006051 |
It is a grounding material for non-woven mats composed of 100% carbon fiber without impurities.
- Water is not required.
- Materials that are not subject to risk assessment.
- Since it is rolled in a roll shape and lightweight, it has excellent workability and transportability.
- The same ground resistance reduction effect as the Sun Earth method can be obtained.
- In combination with sunflex wire, long-term stable ground resistance can be obtained.
The sunmat is very lightweight, weighing about 500g per 3m.
Ground resistance can be easily obtained by simply laying a sunflex wire in the excavated trench and covering it with a sunmat from above.
SanMat are suitable for the following sites:
- using products subject to risk assessment
- Difficult to transport heavy objects in mountainous areas
- High risk of corrosion in soil with constant moisture
Installation Method
Here are the steps for strip construction using sunmats and sunflex wires
Construction method